Submission Requirements

MIFF Delivery Guidelines for Accepted Productions

Goal: If your movie is accepted to the MIFF, provide us with the highest quality practical of your production.  All material will be encoded by us and presented in a movie theater with available 5.1 audio using a digital cinema projector from a Digital Cinema Package (DCP that we encode, the standard encoding format used in theaters).

If your submission is accepted, review the guidelines below and send us a link(1) to a high-quality copy of your production ASAP to

  • Audio encoding prefer 48KHz 24-bit samples with no compression; mono to 5.1

  • Non-English submissions must have English subtitles burned in (included in the video)

  • Resolution and Framerate should be the same pixel dimensions and framerate used in production

  • Delivery format preferred formats include ProRes 422, DNxHD, DNxHR, or another high-quality commonly available low compression CODEC (H.264/mp4, though more highly compressed, is accepted; please do not send us a DCP

  • Delivery medium preferred is via electronic transfer (DropBox, WeTransfer, FileZilla, or other file transfer service)(1) contact us for delivery of hard media.

  • Technical questions email

  • All other questions email 

(1) If the best version you can send us is thru Film Freeway, let us know by email at


      By submitting a production to the MIFF, I hereby irrevocably grant the Melbourne Independent Filmmakers Festival hereafter referred to as MIFF, their licensees, agents, successors, and assignees the right in perpetuity throughout the world in all media now or hereafter known to promote and advertise the MIFF utilizing my name, fictitious name, the promotional and collateral material submitted, and short segment(s) of the motion picture I submitted to the MIFF.

      The MIFF may publicly exhibit my complete submitted motion picture during the MIFF.  Other than for review for acceptance to the MIFF, promotion of the MIFF using short excerpts from the submission, and display of the full production at the MIFF and its possible virtual component, the MIFF has no rights to reproduce, display or distribute the submitted motion picture.

      I am at least 18 years of age, have all licenses and rights necessary for promotion and exhibition of the submitted motion picture, and am authorized to submit it for public exhibition in a movie theater during the MIFF and in a possible virtual component for 45 contiguous days during and following the MIFF.  I affirm that proper license(s) of performances and intellectual property (music, images, etc.) used within this production have been obtained and display of my submission by the MIFF does not violate any laws or copyright restrictions within the United States.  I understand that I am not entitled to any financial compensation from the MIFF for this release.

      On my behalf, my heirs, successors, and assignees, I indemnify and hold harmless the MIFF and its agents from any and all claims, actions, and judgments, including all costs of defense and attorney’s fees incurred in defending against same, arising from and related to the display and use of materials provided by me under this agreement.